
Pomona College EcoNews Bulletin

October 3, 2023
This month, EcoReps are celebrating "Organic October" with our Walker Flea Market, where we will be giving out free reusable food saver bags, and hosting an organic garden veggie focaccia baking event. We empower everyone to think consciously about purchasing organic for the month of October! 
This newsletter's student engagement feature: Sustainability Office EcoReps!
Diana Castellanos (PO’24) is a co-Head EcoRep alongside María Durán González (PO’24). As co-Head EcoRep, Diana has felt very happy to be able to work towards being “a part of the solution,” contributing to campus sustainability engagement. As an EcoRep, she restarted the Walker Flea Market following COVID-19 and started other initiatives on campus, like the Plant Babysitters Club.

Bella Carreon (PO’25) is an EcoRep and the lead Book Room Coordinator. EcoReps manage the Walker Free Room and Walker Book Rooms to provide students with textbooks, clothing, and more (all for free)! Bella noted that working for the Walker Book Room has made it feel like she is “contributing to creating meaningful spaces” on campus. She loves the sustainable community and even noted that Free Room Coordinator Lauren Ziment (PO’24) has been a wonderful mentor. She is very excited to become further involved with the EcoReps and wants everyone to “please go to the Free Room!”

Gia Hutton (PO’26) is an EcoRep involved in various climate spaces. Gia has found like-minded youth active in the climate space through Claremont spaces like Pomona College Sustainability Office and Divest 5Cs. At Pomona, Gia has found that the Pomona College Sustainability Office is a “hub for conversation.” As an EcoRep, Gia has been a part of “campus problem-solving,” particularly because she has easily consulted with Pomona Sustainability Office staff while “turning [sustainability] ideas into fruition.”

If you would like to learn more about the EcoRep program or learn more about our featured EcoReps, please follow our Instagram at @pomonaecoreps. 

This newsletter's creativity project / DIY feature: Tommy Shenoi (PZ'23) Mycology Project 

Tommy Shenoi (PZ ‘23) works at Pitzer’s Robert Redford Conservancy’s Applied Mycology Research Lab. There, he pairs mycology, the study of mushrooms and fungi, with environmental justice and sustainability through dynamic student-led projects. One project he is working on is building biomaterials with mycelium, native fungi species conservation, and soon, cultivating bioluminescent fungi. 

Upcoming Events
To submit an event to our biweekly newsletter please fill out this google form! 

Weekly Environmental Analysis Study Snack | Tuesdays at 8 pm at The Hive

Introducing EA snack! Every week on Tuesday at 8 PM, find us in the EA lounge @ the Hive! Come out to hangout/do work/meet new people and get free snacks! For more info follow @5c_environmentalanalysis


Volunteer with Uncommon Good | October 6, 4:30-6:00 pm

Uncommon Good will be hosting a "Welcome Back to School" Event on October 6th , 4:30pm - 6:00pm in the Harwood Pergola at Pomona College to celebrate and expand our Connect to College Mentorship program. If you know of any students who would like to attend, they should RSVP at this link. 


October Walker Flea Market | October 22, 3-6 pm

Buy homemade, student-created items from 5C students at the Walker Flea Market on Sunday, October 22 from 3-6 pm at Walker Beach. Items sold will include clothes, crochet creations, and handmade jewelry. Start the semester sustainably with us by getting a free food saver product from the EcoReps, buying sustainably, and enjoying some live tunes! 

Sell your items to fellow students at the Walker Flea Market on Sunday, October 22 from 3-6pm. You decide what and how much to sell, and what prices to ask. We just ask that you consider sustainability items! If interested, complete this form by Oct. 18:  


Divest 5Cs and Campus Climate Network Day of Action | October 27, TBD time 

Passionate about social responsibility? Universities have consistently led the way in driving social transformation. By withdrawing the social legitimacy of the fossil fuel industry and creating a community of climate justice advocates, Divest 5Cs aims to make significant strides toward realizing an equitable shift in energy systems to combat the climate emergency. Join Divest5Cs to get involved with their Day of Action on October 27th! @Divest5Cs on Instagram!  

Funding & Job Opportunities
To submit a job or funding opportunity to our biweekly newsletter please fill out this google form!


Join the Campus Climate Network | No deadline

The Campus Climate Network is revitalizing the student climate movement. They aim to build an international coalition of student-led climate justice groups fighting to cut ties with the fossil fuel industry and its enablers. They provide students with the training, resources, and connections they need to run winning campaigns on campus and become the next generation of climate justice leaders. 


College to Climate Launchpad and Network | Applications due: October 8

Join the C2C Launchpad program running October 16 - November 13, 2023, designed to help college students find careers in climate tech! 

Through speaker series, building resume-grade projects, and coffee chats, find your way into the climate space and land your first job. Apply here. Website here


Youth v. Fossil Fuels Convergence | Applications due: October 7

The first ever national Youth Vs. Fossil Fuels Convergence will occur in Portland, Oregon. This in-person event will take place from 5pm on November 10 through to 7pm on November 12. Youth leaders from across the country are gathering to skill up, build leadership, share strategy and grow a national network of youth organizers, activists, and advocates to take on the fossil fuel industry. There are only 75 spots, apply here: 


The convergence will include keynote speakers, panels, trainings, workshops, strategic planning, and plenty of time for community building. Attendees will be equipped with skills and information they need to lead and support campaigns to keep fossil fuels in the ground at local, regional, and national levels, with a focus on executive decision-makers like President Biden. 


Walker Book Room & Free Room Hours:
Tuesday 6-9pm | Sunday 6-9pm

Our Instagram account is the best place to stay connected to everything happening with the EcoReps! Give us a follow @pomonaecoreps!

Want to write an article about the environment and be featured in the next edition of the bulletin? Do you have an eco-tip people can follow while at home? Share it with us! Email us at
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